Why Do I Choose to Attend the One Call Institute Advocate Track?

Why Do I Choose to Attend the One Call Institute Advocate Track?

Why do I choose to attend the One Call Institute Advocate track?! Because not only has it been life-giving for me, but also for my community and young people. When I heard about the One Call Institute two years ago, I knew it was something I needed to look into. I had a few high-schoolers that were involved in our music ministry and eager to learn more. I knew that I needed to keep them engaged but needed assistance and guidance myself to do so. I was thrilled to hear they had a track for youth AND advocates so I too could learn from this experience. Quite honestly, I had no idea what to expect. I had never attended an Institute like this before and no one in my area had ever attended either since the program was in its first year. 

     I felt a rush of joy when I stepped foot onto the St. John's University campus. Every single person both on the One Call staff and the St. John's campus was welcoming and hospitable. The advocate track classes were just fantastic! I felt "on fire" about my faith, my ministry, and my calling after every session, concert, and prayer service. You receive a well-rounded experience in liturgical, theological, ministerial, spiritual, and pedagogical classes all surrounding the call to empower and engage young people in our church. I had the opportunity to work with and learn from some of the finest liturgists, theologians, and composers. This personalized experience is like nothing I have ever experienced. Being surrounded with people who love to do what you do just as much as you is refreshing and renewing! I enjoy attending conventions for their network opportunities, listening sessions, and presentations, but nothing compares to the experience you receive at One Call. 

     At One Call, you build relationships throughout the week with other advocates and presenters and these are the relationships you go to again and again throughout the year. Whether you want to refer back to something that was taught or have a liturgical question as you're planning, these people become part of your family. One Call fosters a family environment that I know will be with me for the rest of my life! I encourage others to attend and bring their young people with them! It is our responsibility to foster their growth and we must lead by example. If we want singers in our present and future choirs and/or skilled musicians and liturgists in our church, we have to be that guiding light for them and advocate for their formation.

     I must also add that since attending the One Call Institute for the past two years, I have felt called to begin my studies in liturgy and have since begun my graduate work at St. John's University. I would have never known about St. John's or affirmed my calling towards ministry had it not been for One Call. I'm forever grateful to the One Call family for the blessing it has been in my life. 

Ideas for fundraising and WHY!

     The One Call Institute of course has program costs, but I always tell my students that this is not the deciding factor. If you want the One Call experience, then we will make that happen! In the past we have done a Tiny Saint fundraiser to help raise funds. We have also extended our invitation to parishioners to donate money. Our community loves to see our youth engaged so this is an investment for them that they truly support and appreciate. After the Institute, our pastor allows students to talk after Mass about their experience and why their support is incredibly important. Other ways we are looking into raising funds for the Institute this year is through Zumbathons, restaurant nights, and a benefit concert. A portion of the proceeds from our recent St. Joseph Table is also designated for One Call financial assistance. I believe that no matter how much time or energy it may take, raising the funds for students to experience One Call and have it be a part of them and their ministry for the rest of their lives is rewarding for all.

-Maria Milazzo (OCI Advocate Track participant ‘18-’19)

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