About the One Call Institute


Our mission:

We form young people and their advocates to live the call of the Gospel through ministries of music, prayer, and social justice.


Every Catholic conference today - NCEA, NPM, NCYC, etc. - offers workshops that address similar questions: "Where have the youth gone?," "Living in the age of the 'nones'," "How to bring youth back to your parish," and so forth. The absence of youth presence in parishes and schools is conspicuous. 

At One Call, we believe that a root cause of the disconnection and disaffiliation of young people is a lack of involvement due to a lack of engagement. Young people have all the ability and maturity to serve the Church in real, active, and authentic ways. Young people possess many talents and abilities, particularly in the areas of music and leadership. They have a real desire to contribute to something in which they believe. So, the questions we should be asking ourselves are not, "where have they gone?" but, rather: "how do we receive their contribution?" "how do we proactively invite their presence?" "how do we encourage their participation and leadership?" "how do we recognize and utilize their God-given gifts and talents?"

One Call exists to engage, empower, and support young pastoral musicians. To do this, we offer an annual summer institute structured in three parts:

  1. a youth track that equips young people with music and leadership skills, knowledge of the liturgy, powerful experiences of prayer, and a shared sense of community

  2. a college track that provides foundation formation and training for students who work or volunteer to support the liturgical life of their campus ministry, Newman Center, or parish

  3. an advocate (adult) track that equips adults in ministry to be effective supporters, mentors, and advocates for young people in their parishes, schools, and communities.

Founded in 2017, One Call is an independent 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.